Is Green Infrastructure Expensive?

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Green Infrastructure is seen as expensive when compared to traditional grey infrastructure.

But with the increase of green infrastructure technology is this actually the case?

A study comparing the actual project costs to typical costs for conventional development found that 11 out of 12 diverse projects with direct cost comparisons between conventional and green infrastructure approaches showed cost decreases averaging 36%.

Green infrastructure, such as soil vaults and permeable pavement, can lower water treatment costs, reduce flooding, and erosion, thus providing economic and environmental benefits to the city.

What are the Typical Costs of Green Infrastructure Projects?

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The cost of green infrastructure can be influenced by factors such as the type of project, location, and integration with planned infrastructure improvements.

Integrating green projects with planned infrastructure improvements, such as road reconstruction or roof replacements, can lead to cost savings of 30% to 60% over the lifetime of the project due to the multiple benefits that green infrastructure offers back to the built environment. 

It is important to note that the cost of green infrastructure is not solely determined by the initial construction costs but also includes life cycle costs, including planning, design, installation, operation and maintenance, and replacement. 

The cost-analysis of green infrastructure should be analyzed in conjunction with its performance and the multiple benefits it provides, including environmental, economic, and community benefits.

How do Cities Fund Green Infrastructure Projects?

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Cities typically fund green infrastructure projects through a variety of mechanisms, including public and private sources. Some of the common funding sources and mechanisms highlighted in the search results include:

  1. Public Sector Financing: Cities can use their main revenue sources, such as property taxes, transport fees, and other charges, to finance green infrastructure projects. They can also explore the greening of municipal financial instruments, such as congestion charges, variable parking fees, toll lanes, and split-rate property taxes, to achieve greener urban infrastructure1.
  2. Private Sector Involvement: Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are a common mechanism for involving the private sector in funding green infrastructure projects. In PPPs, the long-term risk is transferred to the public sector, and they can play a significant role in financing and implementing green infrastructure projects1.
  3. Grant Funding: Grant funding, including federal grants, can provide local governments with the resources to implement green infrastructure projects. However, federal grants can be highly competitive2.
  4. Federal Programs: Federal programs that support efforts to reduce water pollution and manage stormwater can provide funding for green infrastructure projects. For example, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides funding for such projects.
  5. Community Development Funds: Community development money can be used to fund green infrastructure projects because these projects can create jobs, increase economic activity, and increase property values. Urban tree planting and green infrastructure can increase economic activity in a commercial district and property values by mitigating flooding and improving neighborhood aesthetics3.
  6. Transportation Funding: Green infrastructure projects are often eligible for transportation funding because they improve transportation networks by efficiently and cost-effectively mitigating street and alley flooding and create a cooler more comfortable environment for passengers.

A great way to ensure green infrastructure gets built is to set it as a building standard for new constructions and incorporate GI into street layouts and designs.

Citygreen regularly works with local and state governments worldwide to improve their city standards towards tree canopy and green infrastructure. Our team can advise you on actionable goals and solutions to cool your city with green solutions.

How To Do Green Infrastructure Cost Analysis?

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To conduct a green infrastructure cost analysis, the following steps can be taken:

  1. Define Green Infrastructure and Public Space: Green infrastructure is the network of green spaces, natural systems, and semi-natural systems that support sustainable communities, while public spaces are places publicly owned or for public use, accessible and enjoyable by all free and without a profit motive.
  2. Cost Benefit Analysis: Measure incremental change relative to what would have happened without action, i.e., the base case. The CBA should only consider the incremental or marginal impact of a program or project. Specify the base case in as much detail as possible and quantify it to set a baseline for the incremental changes in outcomes that are being measured. including identifying the developing options, identifying and forecasting costs and benefits, valuing costs and benefits, identifying non-market impacts, and reporting the results of CBA.
  3. Consider the Costs of Green Infrastructure and Public Space: The costs of such projects include construction costs, costs related to the replacement of capital, and costs related to ongoing maintenance and operation. Cost estimates should be specific to the individual project and reflect the design and conditions associated with the construction and operation of the project.
  4. Value the Benefits of Green Infrastructure and Public Space: The benefits of public space are driven by a range of features, and the framework provides recommended approaches and parameters for valuing these benefits. It’s important to carefully consider the specific benefits associated with the project and apply the recommended parameters accordingly.
  5. Engage with Stakeholders: In addition to using the framework, practitioners should engage with stakeholders, including the department’s subject matter experts and the community to understand the full use case of the infrastructure.

By following these steps, practitioners can conduct a comprehensive green infrastructure cost analysis that takes into account the economic, social, environmental, and cultural costs and benefits of the project.

What are the Benefits of Green Infrastructure?

green infrastructure being used to cool a outdoor shopping centre in australia

There are a multitude of benefits related to green infrastructure that cities that consistently invest in green infrastructure are seeing.

Energy Efficiency

Green Infrastructure reduces the cooling demands of households, and buildings through creating shade and transpiration of water through leaves from trees and plants. The NSW government estimates that for each reduction in degree through tree canopy you decrease your energy bill by $13.

Air Quality Improvement

Increasing tree canopy and urban green walls contribute to air quality improvement through capturing of physical and gaseous pollutants, suspending captured particles, emitting environmentally friendly particles like pollen, and disrupting of wind flows through tree canopy.

Water Management

Green Infrastructure can capture water runoff, which reduces the volume of stormwater that needs to be processed and be used to sustain the green infrastructure itself. It additionally improves the water quality of runoff that does reach the waterways.

In the ‘Valuing green infrastructure and public spaces Framework’ from the NSW Government. The estimate the value of stormwater reduction based on the avoided costs of projects to build additional stormwater management infrastructure like wetlands and retention ponds.

Some key data points from that analysis:

  • Cost to manage stormwater flows ranged between $0.04 to $0.30 per cubic metre captured, depending on the type of infrastructure option
  • An average-sized street tree in Canberra captures 16,500 L (16.5 cubic metres) annually
  • A hectare of irrigated urban forest would capture 1 megalitre (1,000 cubic metres) of stormwater per 20 mm rain event

So in summary, the document states green infrastructure and trees can reduce stormwater runoff, avoiding the need for additional “grey” stormwater infrastructure. This avoided expenditure provided an approach to quantifying the stormwater management benefits.

Health Benefits

Green Infrastructure has far ranging impacts in the areas of mental and physical health. Increasing the amount of green infrastructure in the forms of public open spaces, parks, and facilities shows a 6% increase of residence hitting their daily activity goal which equals around a $1.13 cost saving per household per km walked.

Urban cooling through tree canopy and transpiration also reduces heat-related health complications. The NSW Government estimates 1°C of cooling saves $3 per person per very hot day in health costs and an 10% increase in canopy cover is equal to a 1.1°C cooling effect.

We invited General Practitioner Dr. Kim Loo to come speak at our event ‘Where Shade hits the Pavement’ to discuss how trees and urban planning are impacting her patients in Western Sydney.


Despite its complexity, the wide-ranging benefits of green infrastructure unfold gradually over time. While there exists an initial upfront cost during the construction phase, this investment quickly shows substantial returns, growth and impact for the community.

As the effects begin to manifest in the economic, social, and environmental spheres, the return on investment becomes increasingly evident. The transformative power of green infrastructure becomes apparent when measuring its positive influence on economic savings, social well-being, and environmental sustainability.

Therefore, while the initial costs might seem substantial, the long-term advantages and dividends gained from the implementation of green infrastructure undoubtedly outweigh these initial expenses, making it a wise and forward-thinking investment for communities and regions alike.

How to Stop Pavement Lift from Tree Roots

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In urban and suburban settings, trees can provide shade and beauty, but their roots often pose a significant threat to pavements, causing unsightly and hazardous uplifts. This guide explores effective strategies to prevent and address pavement lift from tree roots. Learn how to protect your hardscape, ensure safety, and maintain curb appeal while ensuring your trees are an actual benefit to your urban space.

Related: Top Products for Tree Root Management

What is Pavement Lift?

Pavement lift refers to the situation where sections or segments of paved surfaces, such as roads, sidewalks, or driveways, are raised or uplifted unevenly and has been displaced from its original position due to external factors.

What is Root Heave?

Root heave is a phenomenon where tree roots beneath the ground exert upward pressure as they search for nutrients, water and oxygen, causing pavements and urban infrastructure like sidewalks and driveways to lift and crack. This can lead to safety hazards and aesthetic issues, making it crucial to understand and address how to plant a tree to avoid root heave

How to Stop Root Heave?

Preventing root heave is far more effective and cheaper than dealing with it after the fact. By adopting the right strategies and planting techniques below, you can avoid the costly upheaval and damage caused by tree roots, ensuring the longevity of your pavement.

Ways to Prevent Tree Roots Causing Pavement Lift

Safeguarding your sidewalks from tree root damage requires a thoughtful proactive approach before the tree is even planted in the ground. Below we’ve detailed several methods that can be employed to prevent tree roots from undermining the stability of your pavement and urban infrastructure.

Use Soil Vault Systems

workers installing stratavault soil cells for trees to be planted in to avoid pavement lift

Using Soil vaults systems otherwise known as soil cells such as those developed by Citygreen allow tree roots to grow in ideal growing conditions while protecting surround infrastructure from tree root disturbances.

A top use case for soil vault systems is that it is rated for vehicle loads so it’s great for street pavements, carparks, and stormwater management.

Download the free Stratavault PDF Tech sheet to better understand how to use stratavault soil cells to stop pavement heave and grow better urban trees.

3d render of how soil cells help support pavements, protect tree roots, and can manage stormwater

Proper Positioning of your Trees

Choosing the right location for tree planting is essential to prevent root-related problems. Proper positioning can minimize conflicts between tree roots and sidewalks, leading to a harmonious coexistence.

Properly positioning trees to avoid pavement lift and reduce conflicts with sidewalks and pavements is a critical step in urban tree management. Start by selecting tree species with non-invasive root systems, and consult with local experts for guidance. Reach out to your local government parks department or urban forester as they will be more then happy to send you a list of trees that are ideal for growing in your local climate.

Maintain a safe distance of at least five to ten feet between the tree base and nearby hardscape, allowing roots to develop without initially compromising pavement stability. Analyze soil conditions to ensure well-draining soil with adequate organic matter, which encourages healthy root growth away from pavements. We recommend using loamy soil but you can see our article on choosing the best soil for your tree here.

Plant trees at the right depth, avoiding shallow planting that may lead to horizontal root spread and deeper planting to promote root growth away from the surface. Regularly monitor root growth patterns and consider professional assistance to assess local conditions and choose suitable species and planting techniques. Well-structured tree pits with features like root barriers and proper drainage can direct root growth downwards away from infrastructure, ensuring a harmonious coexistence.

Related: How do Tree Roots Behave?


tree root bridging to avoid pavement lift and heave

Bridging is a technique that creates a buffer zone between tree roots and pavements. This method involves installing materials that allow roots to grow beneath the sidewalk without causing upheaval. Creating a slope for your sidewalk involves the strategic use of posts, piers, or arch supports. These supports serve as the foundation for laying the sidewalk material, leaving deliberate space for the roots to grow beneath without causing disruptions.

One notable benefit of root bridging is its capacity to preserve existing tree roots, ensuring their continued health and enhancing overall stability. The choice of bridging materials can vary based on specific project requirements, including desired height, repair area length, and available budget. Commonly employed materials encompass wood, concrete, and composite materials.

However, it’s important to note that the design and construction of root bridging can be a relatively costly endeavor. In cases where the bridge elevation aligns with a typical step height (approximately 6 to 8 inches) relative to the surrounding grade, the installation of safety railings may be necessary. In certain scenarios, the incorporation of soil can be employed to seamlessly blend the bridge edge with the surrounding terrain, effectively eliminating any abrupt step-off points.

As root bridging can be expensive and incorporate alot of safety factors, it’s better to plan your tree planting to ensure that the trees roots have the best chance of growing deeper to never distrub the surface.

Root Barriers

reroot barrier used to deflect roots away from pavement

Barriers such as Root Directors or Reroot Barriers are a great preventative measure designed to direct and guide exploring roots down and away from services and infrastructure. They are best installed when the tree is newly planted so when the roots expand and reach the barriers they will be directed deeper into the soil instead of staying in the upper levels of the soil.

Installing Snorkils also help greatly in enticing the tree roots to explore downwards to help avoid pavement lift as the Snorkil gives access to oxygen and water at a lower depth so the roots don’t have to keep near the surface to access the nutrients it needs to survive.

Reinforcing Collars

Similar to Root Barriers reinforcing sidewalks with concrete collars or gravel aggregate helps deter tree roots from growing beneath them, thus preventing damage and upheaval.

Additionally, adding a layer of compacted gravel or pebbles beneath the sidewalk can create a path for tree roots to follow, reducing the likelihood of pavement damage as tree roots prefer to grow in the path of least resistance.

e.g. Trees roots grow faster in uncompacted soil when compared to compacted soil due to the tree having to expend less energy to push through the soil in search of oxygen, nutrients, and water.

Tree Removal

In cases where tree roots pose an imminent threat to pavements, roads or infrastructure; where there is direct safety issues involved, tree removal or relocation may be a necessary but last resort option to prevent further damage.

What to Avoid When Dealing with Tree Roots

Understanding what not to do when dealing with tree roots is as crucial as knowing the right techniques. Certain actions can exacerbate the problem and lead to more significant damage.

For example, removing too much of a tree root could create a void space that can no longer support the above pavement which cause create further issues.

Tree Care Services Can Help Prevent Damage to Your Property

Professional tree care services can provide expert guidance and assistance in managing tree roots and preventing damage to your property. Their expertise can be invaluable in maintaining both your trees and pavements.

Tree Roots Pushing Up Driveway – What To Do

If tree roots are causing your driveway to heave and crack, specific actions can help address the issue, restoring the functionality and appearance of your driveway.

First Signs of Tree Root Damage

Recognizing the early signs of tree root damage is essential to address the issue promptly.

The initial signs of tree root damage to pavements and driveways can vary depending on the severity of the issue, but common early indicators include cracks, uneven surfaces, and pavement shifting.

The most noticeable sign of such damage is often cracking or sections of pavement lift that are uneven or lifted. These issues can pose trip hazards and make walking or driving difficult.

In some cases, instead of uplifting, the pavement may sink or settle due to soil erosion caused by root growth. As roots expand beneath the pavement, they can create an uneven surface or pockets of air below the pavement and make it challenging to walk or drive smoothly.

Advanced cases may even reveal visible tree roots breaking through the pavement surface or pushing it upwards. Additionally, the pressure from tree roots can not only damage the pavement but also lead to cracks in nearby structures like retaining walls, curbs, or foundations.

Plan Ahead to Avoid Tree Root Damage to Urban Infrastructure

Effective planning and design are key to avoiding tree root damage causing pavement lift. By taking precautions during the initial stages, you can prevent future issues.

At Citygreen, we are the industry leaders in designing urban landscapes that protect both the tree and the urban infrastructure. If you are looking to understand the range of tools you can employ to reduce tree root damage over the long term we recommend booking a 1-hour discovery call with our team.

Kill the Tree Root with Copper Sulfate

Copper sulfate, a cost-effective herbicide and algaecide, is commonly used to clear tree roots from sewer lines and pavements. However, before use, check local regulations due to its potential toxicity and environmental impact. Inspect your local area to assess the root infestation’s severity. Be cautious around pets, as it can be toxic to animals.

Test the sewer line by flushing the toilet, and repeat treatments if needed. Periodically flush copper sulfate to prevent new root invasions, and consult various references for further information on its use.

Remove the Root

Removing the offending tree root is a direct but sometimes necessary solution to eliminate damage and upheaval caused by tree roots. ensure the structural integrity of the tree isn’t compromised.

How Landscape Architects Plant Trees in Cities

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Landscape architects are experts in designing and creating beautiful, sustainable landscapes. One of the essential components of their work is planting trees in urban environments. Trees provide numerous benefits to the urban environment, including enhancing air quality, reducing stormwater runoff, and providing shade and habitat for wildlife. In this section, we will explore how landscape architects plant trees and the techniques they use to ensure their success.

Key Takeaways:

  • Landscape architects play a crucial role in planting trees to create sustainable and healthy environments.
  • Proper selection of tree species, planting techniques, and maintenance are essential for the long-term health of trees.
  • Landscape architects navigate unique challenges when planting trees in urban environments.
  • By following best practices in tree planting, we can contribute to a greener and healthier future.

The Importance of Tree Planting for Urban Landscapes

Tree planting is an essential component of creating sustainable and healthy environments, especially in urban areas. Landscape architects follow best practices to ensure the successful establishment and growth of trees, including sustainable tree planting and urban tree planting.

One of the critical tree planting best practices is selecting appropriate tree species. Landscape architects carefully choose the tree species that are well-suited to the local climate and site conditions. They prefer native tree species as they provide numerous benefits, such as supporting local wildlife and improving biodiversity.

Soil and tree root preparation is crucial for sustainable tree planting. Landscape architects use innovative techniques like soil cells, such as Stratavault or soil vault systems, to ensure adequate space for root growth and improve soil quality. This is especially important in urban areas where soil compaction and pollution can be a significant challenge.

Tree roots are opportunistic, seeking out favorable growing conditions. Moisture trapped beneath impermeable pavements, oxygenated sand layers, moist conditions in service trenches, cracks in road pavements and curbs- these are some areas that tree roots will explore to satisfy the life needs of the tree which leads to pavement and infrastructure damage.

Landscape architects also employ various tree planting techniques to ensure proper tree planting. This includes preparing the hole properly, handling the root ball, and planting the tree at the correct depth. These techniques promote healthy root development and establish strong trees.

Proper maintenance is crucial for the long-term health of planted trees. Landscape architects monitor the trees for signs of stress, pests, or diseases. They provide necessary pruning, fertilization, and irrigation to ensure optimal growth and resilience. Moreover, they also consider factors like site conditions and tree spacing to optimize the tree’s health and longevity.

Overall, landscape architects prioritize sustainability in tree planting projects to ensure that the planted trees contribute to a resilient and environmentally friendly landscape. By following their best practices, we can contribute to a greener and healthier future.

Selecting Tree Species for your Landscape

When it comes to planting trees, landscape architects carefully consider which tree species to select. Native tree species are often preferred, as they are better adapted to the local climate and conditions and can provide numerous benefits. In fact, selecting the right species can make all the difference in the success of a tree planting project.

Native trees also support local wildlife and improve biodiversity. They are often hardier than non-native species, able to withstand harsh weather conditions and local pests and diseases. Additionally, native species are more likely to support the specific ecology of the area, including pollinators like bees and butterflies.

Related: Best Species for Reducing Air Pollution

However, it’s not just about selecting native species. Landscape architects also take into account factors such as tree growth rate, size, and appearance to ensure the right tree is selected for the right location. They also consider the soil conditions and water availability, as well as any potential hazards that may impact the growth of the tree.

By carefully selecting the appropriate tree species, landscape architects can create healthier and more resilient urban forests. Not only do these trees provide environmental benefits, but they also contribute to the beauty of our urban landscapes.

Tree Planting Techniques

Proper tree planting techniques are essential for successful tree growth and development. Landscape architects utilize various methods to ensure optimal tree health.

One crucial technique is proper hole preparation. The hole should be dug to the appropriate depth and width, allowing enough space for the roots to spread out. The root ball should be handled carefully to prevent damage. The edge of the root ball should be lightly hand brushed to bring all the fine roots out and larger structural roots at the edge of the root ball should be pruned if their roots are facing inward to avoid root swirl. We do this to ensure once the tree is planted in it’s new surroundings new growth is focused on growing outwards into new soil.

Correct planting depth is also important. The topmost root of the tree should sit slightly above the soil level to prevent it from suffocating. After planting, the soil should be carefully compacted to eliminate air pockets and provide support for the young tree.

Overall, landscape architects should follow specific tree planting methods that ensure the long-term success of the planted trees.

Soil Preparation and Soil Cells

Landscape architects understand the critical role of soil preparation in ensuring successful tree planting. They use innovative techniques like soil cells to improve soil quality and provide adequate space for root growth, promoting healthy trees.

Related: How much Soil do Street Trees Need?

Soil cells are a specially designed system that provides structural support for pavements and surfaces while simultaneously providing ample space for root growth and water drainage. Stratavault and soil vault systems are examples of these systems that feature an interlocking matrix design that creates ideal conditions for soil moisture and movement.

Advantages of Soil CellsDisadvantages of Soil Cells
* Improved soil structure and quality
* Prolonged tree lifespan
* Enhanced stormwater infiltration and drainage
* Reduced soil compaction and increased porosity
* Prevents root damage from construction or digging
* Lower lifetime maintenance cost of surrounding infrastructure
* High initial installation cost

By using soil vault systems such as those created by Citygreen, landscape architects can promote healthy tree growth and create sustainable landscapes that benefit both the environment and the community.

Tree Planting Best Practices

Related: Ultimate Guide on How to Plant Trees in Urban Areas

Planting a tree is more than just digging a hole and dropping in the sapling. It requires careful consideration and attention to detail to ensure the tree has the best chance of thriving for years to come. Here are some best practices for tree planting:

  • Proper Mulching: Adding a layer of organic mulch around the base of the tree can help retain moisture and suppress weeds. However, make sure to keep the mulch away from the trunk to prevent rot.
  • Adequate Watering: Newly planted trees require regular watering to establish their root system. Depending on the climate and soil conditions, this may mean watering daily or a few times per week.
  • Regular Maintenance: Trees require ongoing care, such as pruning and fertilization, to maintain their health and shape. Regular inspection for pests and diseases is also critical to prevent issues from becoming more severe.
  • Site Conditions: Consider the specific site conditions, such as sun exposure and soil type, when selecting and planting trees. This will help ensure the tree is well-suited to its environment and has the best chance of thriving.
  • Tree Spacing: Proper tree spacing is crucial to avoid overcrowding and competition for resources. Landscape architects consider factors such as mature tree size, growth rate, and root system when determining appropriate spacing.

By following these best practices, you can help ensure the long-term health and success of your newly planted trees.

Maintaining Tree Health

Proper maintenance is essential for ensuring the long-term health and vitality of planted trees. Landscape architects follow specific best practices when it comes to tree planting, and these practices extend to tree maintenance as well.

One of the most critical aspects of tree maintenance is monitoring the trees for signs of stress, pests, or diseases. Early detection and treatment are essential to prevent further damage and maintain optimal tree health. Landscape architects also provide necessary pruning, fertilization, and irrigation to promote healthy growth and resilience.

When it comes to pruning, it’s important to follow industry best practices. Incorrect pruning techniques can lead to damage and even death of the tree. Landscape architects use specialized tools and techniques to remove dead or diseased branches, promote proper growth, and maintain the tree’s overall health.

Fertilization is another critical aspect of tree maintenance. Landscape architects apply appropriate fertilizer to provide essential nutrients to the tree’s roots, promoting vigorous growth and a healthy canopy. Proper watering is also crucial, with landscape architects recommending deep and infrequent watering to promote root growth and water efficiency.

In addition to these best practices, landscape architects also consider factors like site conditions and tree spacing when it comes to tree maintenance. They take steps to prevent damage caused by lawn equipment or other external factors and ensure that the tree has adequate space to grow without competing with nearby trees or infrastructure.

In summary, proper maintenance is essential for the long-term health and vitality of planted trees. Landscape architects follow specific best practices when it comes to pruning, fertilization, and watering, and monitor trees for signs of stress, pests, and disease. By following these practices, they ensure that planted trees thrive and contribute to the overall beauty and sustainability of our landscapes.

Ensuring Sustainability

Landscape architects understand the importance of planting trees with sustainability in mind. They consider factors such as water efficiency, carbon sequestration, and the overall ecological impact when designing a planting project.

By selecting appropriate tree species and employing proper planting techniques, landscape architects create healthy ecosystems that provide numerous benefits to the environment and local communities.

But sustainability doesn’t end with the planting phase. Proper maintenance, such as regular pruning and fertilization, helps promote long-term growth and ensures the trees continue to provide environmental benefits for years to come.

By prioritizing sustainable tree planting, landscape architects contribute to a healthier and more resilient future for our planet.

Urban Tree Planting Challenges

Planting trees in urban areas can be challenging due to various factors. Landscape architects face obstacles such as limited space, soil compaction, and pollution that can affect the growth and health of trees. Despite these challenges, there are innovative techniques that can help overcome these issues.

One of the main challenges of urban tree planting is limited space. In urban environments, space is at a premium, and finding adequate space to plant trees can be a challenge. Landscape architects use techniques such as vertical planting, tree pits, and raised planter beds to create more space for tree growth.

Soil compaction is another issue that landscape architects face when planting trees in urban areas. Compacted soil can limit root growth and the ability of trees to absorb water and nutrients. Landscape architects use techniques such as soil aeration and the installation of soil cells, like Stratavault or soil vault systems, to provide more space for root growth and improve soil quality to ensure trees have the best possible conditions to thrive in urban environments.

Pollution is also a major concern when planting trees in urban environments. Air pollution can damage leaves and limit growth, while soil pollution can affect the health of tree roots. Landscape architects choose tree species that are resistant to pollution and use air and soil filtration systems to improve air and water quality.

Despite these challenges, landscape architects are committed to creating green urban environments through sustainable tree planting practices. By utilizing innovative techniques and selecting the right tree species, they can build thriving urban forests that make our cities healthier, more resilient, and more beautiful.


In conclusion, landscape architects are an essential part of creating sustainable and healthy environments by planting trees. By following their best practices and techniques, they ensure the successful establishment and growth of urban green spaces. From selecting appropriate tree species to employing proper planting techniques, landscape architects play a critical role in establishing thriving urban forests. Their expertise in maintaining tree health and ensuring sustainability contributes to a greener and healthier future for us all. Through their dedication and hard work, landscape architects demonstrate how planting trees can positively impact our communities and the environment. So, if you want to learn how landscape architects plant trees and help create a greener future, keep exploring and discovering!


How do landscape architects plant trees?

Landscape architects plant trees using various techniques, such as proper hole preparation, handling root balls, and ensuring the correct planting depth. These techniques promote healthy root development and establish strong trees.

Why is tree planting important?

Tree planting is important because it contributes to creating sustainable and healthy environments. Landscape architects follow best practices to ensure successful tree establishment and growth in urban areas, considering factors such as soil conditions, water availability, and selecting appropriate tree species.

How do landscape architects select tree species for planting?

Landscape architects carefully choose tree species that are well-suited to the local climate and conditions. Native tree species are often preferred as they are adapted to the environment and provide numerous benefits, such as supporting local wildlife and improving biodiversity.

What techniques do landscape architects use for tree planting?

Landscape architects employ various techniques for tree planting, including proper hole preparation, root ball handling, and ensuring the correct planting depth. These techniques help promote healthy root development and establish strong trees.

What is soil preparation and how does it relate to tree planting?

Soil preparation is an essential step in successful tree planting. Landscape architects may use innovative techniques like soil cells, such as Stratavault or soil vault systems, to provide adequate space for root growth and improved soil quality.

What are some tree planting best practices?

Landscape architects follow specific best practices when planting trees, including proper mulching, adequate watering, and regular maintenance. They also consider site conditions and tree spacing to optimize tree health and longevity.

How do landscape architects maintain tree health?

Landscape architects monitor planted trees for signs of stress, pests, or diseases and provide necessary pruning, fertilization, and irrigation to ensure optimal growth and resilience.

How does tree planting contribute to sustainability?

Landscape architects prioritize sustainability in tree planting projects, considering factors like water efficiency, carbon sequestration, and overall ecological impact. This ensures that planted trees contribute to a resilient and environmentally friendly landscape.

What are the challenges of urban tree planting?

Urban environments pose unique challenges for tree planting, such as limited space, soil compaction, and pollution. Landscape architects employ innovative techniques to overcome these challenges and create thriving urban forests.

How do landscape architects contribute to creating sustainable landscapes?

Landscape architects play a critical role in planting trees and creating sustainable landscapes. Their expertise in selecting tree species, employing proper planting techniques, and ensuring long-term tree health results in beautiful and thriving urban green spaces.

The Ultimate Guide on How to Plant Urban Trees

Urban trees planted in citygreens stratavault system on the water in Barangaroo, Sydney Australia

Are you looking for ways to increase greenery in your city? As worldwide urban tree specialist with over 30 years, Citygreen can attest to the benefits of planting more trees in urban areas.

Not only do they help to improve air quality, reduce the urban heat island effect, but they also provide habitat for wildlife, improve the physical and mental health outcomes for local communities, and increase property values. In this overview,

Do you want to increase tree canopy and cool your city? Citygreen has worldwide expertise in planting methods that growing trees faster then traditional planting methods

Book a free 1-hour design workshop for you and your team with our urban greening consultants.

Our consultants will:

  • Understand your current tree canopy challenges
  • Bring clarity around the best urban planting methods
  • How to integrate green blue infrastructure into your city
An exampe of how to plant urban trees with Trees used to shade a carpark in Orange, NSW.
Urban trees used to shade a carpark in Orange, NSW

Top Benefits of Planting Urban Trees

The benefits of planting trees in urban areas are numerous and far-reaching. Trees help to improve air quality by absorbing pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and fine particulate matter. They also help to sequester carbon, which is important for mitigating the effects of climate change.

Additionally, trees help to reduce the urban heat island effect, which occurs when cities are significantly warmer than surrounding rural areas due to the heat absorbed and reflected by buildings, pavement, and hardscaped surfaces. Trees combat the heat by providing shade and evapotranspiration, which helps to cool urban areas and reduce the amount of energy required for air conditioning.

Urban trees help increase biodiversity and support local ecosystems, providing habitat for wildlife, including birds, insects, small mammals, and clean the surrounding soil and air of pollutants and particulates. This is especially important in urban areas, where natural green space is often limited and runoff from hardscaped surfaces, infrastructure and cars has detrimental effects to the community.

How to Grow Better Urban Trees

Hear from Ross Clark, the man who wrote the standard on growing trees in Australia. Ross Clark recently spoke at our event ‘Where the Shade hits the Pavement’ on how to grow better urban trees.

Identifying Suitable Areas for Planting Trees in Urban Areas

Identifying suitable planting locations is an important step in planting more trees in urban areas. Areas that lack greenery and could benefit from more trees include parks, sidewalks, residential areas, and public spaces.

For example, Penrith City Council in Australia identified suitable areas to plant urban trees by using heat sensor data, topography mapping and community survey data to review where the most vulnerable in their community lived to determine areas where additional tree canopy cover would be most beneficial and prioritized planting in those locations.

You can review Penrith City Councils full Cooling the City Strategy’  from our Where Shade Hits The Pavement Event here:

How to Choose a location for Urban Trees?

When choosing planting locations, it is important to consider factors such as accessibility, sunlight, and available soil volume and quality. Trees should be planted in areas that are easily accessible for maintenance and receive adequate sunlight, water and soil volume.

Soil volume and quality is absolutely crucial to the success and longevity of urban trees, as trees require well-draining soil that is rich in nutrients and uncompacted to provide space for root growth and oxygen and water the chance to peculate deep into the soil.

stratavault soil cell pit provides adequate soil for trees while taking the above weight load off the tree.

In urban areas where soil volume and space is a concern, Citygreen’s leading range of structural soil vault systems are designed to provide adequate growing medium for tree roots, infrastructure protection, and provide additional green blue stormwater management properties (WSUD) all within one system.

Download our Stratavault Reference Manual to learn why soil cells are essential for urban trees.

Selecting the Right Tree Species for Urban Areas

Selecting the right tree species is crucial for the success of tree planting initiatives in urban areas. Trees that are well-suited to urban environments should be selected, such as those that can tolerate & filter pollution, withstand drought, provide tree canopy and environmental and aesthetic design.

Native tree species that are adapted to the local climate should be prioritized, as they are more likely to thrive and support local wildlife. For example, the Greening Australia initiative in Australia, planted over 500,000 trees, shrubs, and grasses in urban areas using native species. 

Related: Best Tree for Reducing Air Pollution.

Collection of green trees isolated on transparent background. for easy selection of designs.

When selecting tree species, it is important to consider the size of the tree at maturity, as some species may be too large for urban areas and cause damage to the tree, buildings and infrastructure.

There is nothing more disheartening than witnessing a tree’s canopy hacked to accommodate utilities like powerlines due to poor planning. In such instances, both the tree and the community suffer, missing out on the invaluable benefits of a mature tree in the environment.

Moreover, the mismanagement of trees results in wastage of ratepayers’ money, as maintenance workers must continually tend to the space surrounding the infrastructure for the total lifecycle of the tree.

Factor to ConsiderExamples
Tolerance to pollutionLondon Plane Tree, Eastern Red Cedar, Ginkgo, Honey Locust
Drought toleranceHackberry, American Elm, White Oak, Redbud
Soil compaction toleranceRed Maple, White Pine, Black Cherry, Bald Cypress
Mature sizeJapanese Maple, Crape Myrtle, Dogwood, Serviceberry

Planning the Urban Tree Planting Process

trees in urban areas providing shade
Fig Trees Planted in Stratavault

Best Time to Plant a Tree

Planning the tree planting process involves several important steps. The ideal time to plant a tree is during autumn after trees lose their leaves or early spring before budbreak.

We ideally plant during autumn as tree root growth goes into overdrive, instead of the tree splitting its energy between root growth and canopy growth the tree focuses on expanding it’s fine and structural roots as far as possible when canopy growth is much less of a concern.

The further the fine and structural roots grow and establish, the better the outcomes the tree canopy will experience during the following canopy growth period.

What Soil Should you use for Urban Trees

The type of soil you use and soil preparation is also important to the success of trees in urban areas, as trees require well-draining uncompacted soil that is rich in nutrients.

Proper irrigation is necessary to ensure that newly planted trees receive enough water to establish healthy root systems. At Citygreen we can provide customised soil designed specifically for the trees environment.

Related Article: How Quality Soil Grows Healthy City Trees

Citygreen invited landscape architect Elke Haege Thorvaldson, co-author of the acclaimed ‘Soils for Landscape Development‘ to speak at ‘Where the Shade Hits the Pavement’ about how to design and specify soils for trees in urban locations.

Proper Urban Tree Planting Techniques 

When planting the tree, ensure it is positioned at the proper height and the root crown is at ground level, and the hole is dug to the correct depth to avoid oxygen deprivation that hinders root development.

Confirm the tree stands straight by using a tree anchor and having someone view it from multiple angles before backfilling the hole gently yet firmly, stabilizing the root ball’s base with packed soil. Eliminate air pockets by watering periodically during backfilling.

Only stake the tree if necessary, as studies show that unstaked trees establish faster and develop stronger trunks and roots. Mulch the tree’s base with organic matter to retain moisture, moderate soil temperature, and reduce weed competition.

Newly planted trees in urban areas need additional care during their initial establishment phase. Addition follow-up care is needed in the weeks after such as keeping the soil moist but not waterlogged, watering trees at least once a week, and more frequently during hot and windy weather.

Water must be concentrated on the rootball at the base of the tree as a newly-planted tree can only access moisture that is within reach of it’s roots. We recommend installing a Snorkil system around a newly planted tree to help water & oxygen access the deeper roots. The Snorkil also helps avoid roots trying to surface in search of nutrients as the deeper roots have access to a deeper source of food.

See the tools Citygreen use to enable urban tree planting.

To better understand how to set realistic targets for planting urban trees watch Gwilym Griffiths from  Good Canopy Company talk at Where Shade Hits the Pavement.

Engaging the Community in the Tree Planting Process

Community engagement is an important aspect of tree planting initiatives in urban areas. Involving the community in these initiatives can help to increase awareness and support for environmental conservation efforts.

Ways to encourage community participation include hosting public events, working with local organizations, and providing educational resources on the benefits of trees and how to care for them. Community members can also be involved in the selection of tree species and planting locations. 

Reach out to your city council and see if they offer a free tree planting program.

trees in urban areas planted with soil cells to ensure growth and shade to the nearby footpath for pedestrians to enjoy

Maintaining Planted Trees in Urban Areas

Proper maintenance is crucial for the health and longevity of planted trees in urban areas. Regular watering is necessary to ensure that trees receive enough moisture, especially during hot and dry periods. Pruning is important to remove dead or damaged branches and promote healthy growth.

Monitoring for pests and diseases is also important, as urban environments can be conducive to the spread of these issues. It is important to address any issues early to prevent them from spreading and causing damage to the trees.

Monitoring the Impact of Urban Tree Planting on the Environment

What gets measured gets improved. Measuring the impact of tree planting initiatives in your community is crucial. This involves monitoring the reduction of air pollution, the increase in biodiversity and health of the tree, heat measurements, property values, and increased community activity.

By tracking progress, you can determine the monetary and environmental value these trees bring to the community.

Related Article: Soil Vaults Deliver Huge ROI in Quantifiable Results

Overcoming Challenges in Planting More Trees in Urban Areas

comparison of stratavault soil cells and the end result of the tree installed in urban environment

There are several challenges to planting more trees in urban areas, such as lack of space and limited funding or initiative by developers, council . However, there are solutions to these challenges:

City Mandated Tree Plantings for new Constructions: New Constructions and developments must include a minimum number of trees in their designs to ensure that any new constructions are adding environmental value to the community to help combat climate change, and the urban heat island effect.

City Mandated Soil Volumes: Soil Volume is critical to the success of urban trees so city standards must include a minimum soil volume that is adequate for trees to survive once they reach maturity. 

Maintenance Programs: Ensuring the continued care and maintenance of newly planted trees is vital for their survival and growth. However, a challenge arises with tree ownership, responsibility, and care, particularly when dealing with project-based constructions focused on swift project completion and tight deadlines.

It is crucial to establish maintenance programs during the initial contract process. By doing so, we can guarantee that the development and success of the trees are not overlooked or disregarded after the initial planting phase. 

Case Study: Stratavault Empowering Tree Planting in Tamworth CBD

fitzoy street comparison from 2015 v 2023 showing the new streetscape and amazing tree growth in a hardscape environment

Tamworth CBD’s bustling Peel Street serves as a central hub, attracting visitors from distant towns and farmers for work and leisure. During the renowned week-long ‘Toyota Country Music Festival,’ Peel Street transforms into a lively pedestrian thoroughfare with bustling markets and with performance stages and buskers up and down the street.

growth comparision of the same tree in tamworth fitzroy street
Growth Comparison of Chinese Elms Planted in Stratavault

Recognizing the potential to breathe new life into the adjacent Fitzroy Street, the Tamworth Regional Council embarked on a comprehensive revitalization project in December 2017.

This transformation aimed to integrate the underutilized street seamlessly into the CBD, invigorating the street for residents and local businesses by adapting the street into a walkable pedestrian street with inviting spaces for people to gather, including the addition of trees planted in Stratavault for shade, street furniture with misting, and captivating ‘living umbrellas.’

Read the Full Case Study


Planting trees in urban areas is crucial for environmental conservation and improving the quality of life for city residents. By identifying suitable planting locations, selecting the right tree species, planning the planting process, engaging the community, and maintaining planted trees, we can increase green space in urban areas and reap the numerous benefits trees provide. 

The team at Citygreen is available to take your questions to help you deliver higher quality urban trees. Contact us.

How Much Soil Do Street Trees Need?

How much soil do street trees need? It's a question that frequently arises in the workshops we conduct around the world.

Striking the perfect balance is essential to provide street trees with the optimal conditions for their growth, including ample nutrients, sufficient space for root expansion, and effective water drainage. In order to fully comprehend the requirements of soil and the intricate interactions occurring underground, several crucial aspects deserve our attention.

A commonly used field reference for soil is: two cubic feet of loam soil for every one square-foot of tree canopy (at tree maturity). Simply stated, a mature tree that provides 400 square-foot of canopy should be planted with 800 square feet of quality soil. Studies demonstrate that the quality loam soil grows trees that have 300 times more leaves and are 1.7 times taller than those grown in compacted soils. (Magill & Leake, 2013)

Let's explore the key considerations when it comes to soil and the vital role it plays in supporting healthy and thriving street trees.

Root Zone Protection

Tree roots will explore looking for water, nutrients and space for growth. As long as there is adequate moisture, nutrients and oxygen they will extend far beyond the canopy area. Compaction and damage to the root zone can severely impact a tree's health and longevity. Implementing measures like root barriers, and tree grates can help preserve the critical root zone and promote the overall well-being of street trees.

Soil cells like Citygreen Stratavault are purposely designed to house high quality uncompacted soil and tree roots under urban environments like roads, and pavements. Soil cells offer the tree ideal underground growing conditions while ensuring the tree roots are contained to avoid impacting surrounding urban infrastructure.

Related: How Tree Roots Behave
workers installing a tree in a soil cells stratavault

Soil Composition

The composition of soil plays a crucial role in supporting tree growth. It should strike a balance between water-holding capacity and drainage. Soil should be well-draining to prevent waterlogging and root rot, yet retain enough moisture for trees to access during dry periods. The right mix of organic matter, minerals, and proper pH levels is essential for optimal tree health.

Existing Utilities

Careful planning and coordination is necessary to ensure that tree planting and root growth do not interfere with or damage existing underground services. Conducting thorough site assessments and consulting with utility providers can help identify potential conflicts and allow for the implementation of tree-friendly solutions.  Read about a recent tree retrofitting we did here.


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Soil Compaction

Soil Compaction hinders the tree's ability to establish a robust root system due to having to waste so much energy moving through the highly compacted soil, leading to stunted growth, nutrient deficiencies, and increased vulnerability to pests and diseases. Implementing strategies to alleviate soil compaction, such as aeration techniques and proper soil management practices, is crucial for maintaining healthy street trees and promoting their long-term vitality.



high quality soil being put in soil cells to provide the tree with adequate soil compact for optimal growth

How Citygreen tackles all these issues

Citygreen's comprehensive approach to urban tree planting and green infrastructure brings over 30 years of experience into providing effective solutions. Our range of soil cells, trees grates, stormwater management, tree guying, and tree protection solutions guarantees we have the solution to any urban tree problem.

Contact our team to discuss how we can help you plant more trees in your next Urban Project.


urban street tree installed in road

Are Treepits structurally sound? Is there adequate space to grow?

See Stratavault in action at Green Spine

Soil Cell Engineering

Providing soil volumes in urban spaces

Fast Installation Time

Root Growth

Quality Soil and using it to fill the matrix

Why Tree Canopy is Important for Cities?


Understanding the Importance of Tree Canopy

Tree canopy plays a vital role in enhancing urban environments and contributing to the well-being of cities and their residents. It serves as a critical link between the natural and built environments, seamlessly integrating the benefits of nature into the urban fabric. By understanding and appreciating the significance of tree canopy, we unlock a multitude of advantages that extend far beyond their mere visual appeal.

Explore the significance of tree canopy and its numerous benefits in terms of environmental, social, and economic aspects.

Related Article: The Ultimate Guide on How to Plant Trees in Urban Areas

green square library
Green Square Library in Sydney, Australia

What is a Tree Canopy?

A tree canopy comprises the upper layer crowns of trees, consisting of branches, leaves, and foliage. It shades the ground below, providing a continuous cover created by the branches and foliage of multiple trees. Tree canopy plays essential ecological roles, such as offering shade, sheltering wildlife, regulating temperatures, intercepting rainfall, and contributing to air purification by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen through photosynthesis. In urban environments, the tree canopy enhances streetscapes aesthetically and improves the overall environmental quality by reducing heat, stormwater, and biodiversity.

Benefits of Urban Tree CanopyIncreased Tree CanopyReduced Tree Canopy
Temperature RegulationProvides shade, reduces urban heat island effect.Less shade, exacerbates urban heat island effect.
Air Quality ImprovementAbsorbs pollutants, enhances air quality.Diminished capacity to absorb pollutants, worsens air quality.
Stormwater ManagementReduces stormwater runoff, helps prevent flooding.Increased runoff, higher risk of flooding, high pollutants in stormwater.
Biodiversity SupportProvides habitats for wildlife, fosters biodiversity.Decreased habitat, impacts urban wildlife negatively.
Aesthetic EnhancementBeautifies streetscapes and landscapes.Reduced visual appeal, affects urban aesthetics negatively, reduces human traffic.
Health and Well-beingSupports mental health, encourages outdoor activities.Less conducive to outdoor activities, impacts well-being.
Economic ValueIncreases property values, attracts businesses, increases foot traffic.Decreases property values, may deter business growth.
Energy ConservationReduces energy consumption for cooling.Heightens energy demand for cooling systems.

Environmental Benefits of Tree Canopy in Cities

Tree canopy provides numerous environmental benefits that contribute to a more sustainable urban ecosystem. Firstly, trees act as natural air purifiers, filtering harmful pollutants and improving air quality. Through the process of photosynthesis, they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, helping to mitigate the impact of greenhouse gases and combat climate change.

Additionally, trees provide natural shade, reducing the urban heat island effect and helping to lower temperatures in built-up areas. They act as a natural cooling mechanism, reducing the need for energy-intensive air conditioning and lowering energy consumption.

Trees also play a vital role in water management. Their roots absorb rainwater and help prevent soil erosion, reducing the risk of flooding and stormwater runoff. They act as natural sponges, retaining water, clean soil, cooling the area around them by perspiration through their leaves and replenishing groundwater reserves.

Related: How to lower Urban Heat with Tree Canopy?

Social Benefits of Trees in Cities

macquarie mall tree planting jpg green infrastructure expensive Citygreen

The presence of tree canopy has significant social benefits that enhance the quality of life in urban areas. One of the most noticeable benefits is the aesthetic appeal that trees bring to our cities. They soften the harshness of concrete landscapes, adding natural beauty and a sense of tranquility. The sight of vibrant green leaves and colorful blooms uplifts our spirits and creates a welcoming environment for residents and visitors alike.

Trees also contribute to improved mental health and well-being. Studies have shown that spending time in nature, even in urban settings, can reduce stress, boost mood, and enhance cognitive function. The presence of tree canopy provides a natural escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, offering a peaceful retreat where people can relax, rejuvenate, and reconnect with nature.

Furthermore, trees foster a sense of community and social cohesion. They create gathering spaces and opportunities for outdoor activities, such as picnics, concerts, and recreational sports. These communal spaces foster social interactions, strengthen community bonds, and promote a sense of belonging.

Medical Health Benefits of Trees in Cities

The presence of abundant greenery in urban settings is not just an aesthetic luxury but a medical necessity. Tree canopy serve as natural air purifiers, tirelessly filtering out harmful pollutants and particulates from the air while releasing oxygen, creating a cleaner, fresher atmosphere that promotes respiratory health. Research has shown that neighborhoods with ample tree cover experience lower rates of respiratory issues and allergies, providing residents with a breath of fresh, clean air right outside their doors.

Furthermore, the soothing presence of trees and the shade they offer play an indispensable role in managing the mental health of city dwellers. The tranquility and psychological comfort they provide are invaluable, reducing stress levels and promoting emotional well-being. The simple act of walking beneath a canopy of trees has been proven to alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression, offering respite from the hustle and bustle of urban life.  In recent years the Japanese practice of Forest Bathing or Shinrin-yoku has grown in popularity and has shown to have positive health benefits with more doctors subscribing it as a treatment.

Extreme heat also disproportionately affects our most vulnerable, including the elderly, children, those with chronic illnesses, and people with limited resources. These groups face a heightened risk of heat-related illnesses, exacerbated chronic conditions, and potential medication interactions. Limited mobility, social isolation, inadequate housing, and financial stress further compound their vulnerability. 

Mitigation of urban heat islands, characterized by elevated temperatures due to the abundance of hard reflective surfaces and limited vegetation, can lead to heat-related illnesses and exacerbate chronic conditions. Tree canopies provide a natural shield against the sweltering heat. They offer crucial shade, cooling the surrounding areas and reducing heat stress among residents.

Related: How to Lower Urban Heat With Tree Canopy

By mitigating the urban heat island effect, trees become our frontline defense against heat-related health issues, such as heat exhaustion, dehydration, and even more severe conditions like heatstroke. Moreover, the cooling effect of trees extends indoors, reducing the demand for energy-intensive air conditioning, which not only conserves energy but also lessens the financial burden on individuals and public health systems.

In essence, the presence of trees in urban settings isn’t just an aesthetic choice; it’s a lifesaving measure that we must prioritize for the well-being of our urban populations.

Economic Benefits of Trees in Cities

Beyond their environmental and social contributions, tree canopy also brings significant economic benefits to urban areas. Trees have been shown to increase property values, with shaded streets and neighborhoods attracting higher real estate prices. They create desirable living environments and enhance the attractiveness of commercial districts, attracting businesses and customers.

Moreover, trees provide cost savings through their energy-saving properties. By providing shade and reducing the demand for air conditioning, they help reduce energy consumption and lower utility bills for both residential and commercial properties.

Trees also contribute to improved retail experiences. Studies have shown that shoppers tend to spend more time and money in areas with tree-lined streets, as the presence of greenery creates a more pleasant and inviting shopping environment.

Understanding the importance of tree canopy is crucial for creating sustainable and livable cities. Its environmental, social, and economic benefits make it an essential element of urban planning. By prioritizing the preservation and expansion of tree canopy, we can create healthier, more resilient, and enjoyable urban environments for present and future generations.

Here at Citygreen we focus on delivering more tree canopy cities and urban environments. Read our latest success stories here

Green space for shading and mitigation of heat island effect

Tree Grates & Cities: WHAT TO KNOW

Cast Iron Tree Grates Avon

When you think of trees, images of the picturesque autumnal colours of an oak tree, or the breathtaking size of mature redwoods, come to mind. Trees give us as individuals a lot of joy and beauty, but in cityscapes, trees, if not managed currently, can be dangerous. Tree-related pedestrian injuries are much more common than you think and can result in costly settlements.

See our range of Tree Grates

Tree roots like meandering outside their designated rooting zone looking for water or nutrients, causing all sorts of damage ranging from pavement cracking to underground water pipe breakages.

Tree grates are one method to manage trees in cityscapes safely. If properly installed, tree grates essentially protect trees from pedestrians and pedestrians from trees. Tree grates are often categorized as a root management product, as they help to ensure tree roots stay in their intended rooting areas. Placed over the tree roots and around the tree trunk, grates have two primary purposes.

Related: Top Products for Tree Root Management.

Number one, to avoid soil compaction to allow for healthy tree growth, and number two, to ensure that the tree’s roots do not impact the surrounding pavements. With tree root protection underneath the grate, pedestrians are less likely to be tripped up by protruding roots. The tree grates also provide a more levelled surface, preventing pedestrian injury.

At Citygreen, we have developed a wide range of grates that will make cities greener and safer.

The Invisigrate™ is a pave-over grille, allowing the surrounding pavement to continue up to the tree trunk. This method eliminates any trip or slip hazards pedestrians often encounter and gives a clean style to the pavement.

This sub-surface grate can still incorporate all the essential irrigation inlets and checkpoints into the pavement. The benefit of this grate is that it allows designers to continue their choice of paving over the tree pit area for a more stylish and effortless finish.

The grate also has built-in tree irrigation/ventilation inlets and a removable inner section that allows tree growth.

tree grates installed in Sydney Australia

How do tree-related pedestrian injuries impact urban areas?

Tree-related pedestrian injuries are not only a safety concern but also a significant financial burden for urban areas. When pedestrians trip over protruding roots or encounter uneven pavement caused by tree roots, it can lead to injuries and subsequent legal liabilities for the city. These injuries result in costly settlements, which can strain the city’s budget and resources.

Related: How to Stop Pavement Lift from Tree Roots

How do tree grates prevent soil compaction and ensure healthy tree growth?

Tree grates play a crucial role in preventing soil compaction by distributing the weight of foot traffic, vehicles, or other urban elements on to the grate or grille instead of the soil itself. This weight reduction helps maintain a healthier root system, allowing trees to access essential nutrients and water from the soil without fear of tree roots being damaged or causing harm to pedestrians. This, in turn, promotes healthier and more robust tree growth & safety.

What advantages do tree grates offer in terms of pedestrian safety and avoiding pavement damage?

Tree grates offer several advantages related to pedestrian safety and pavement protection. By covering the tree roots and creating a level surface, they prevent tripping hazards caused by protruding roots. Additionally, they safeguard pavements from cracking or upheaval due to root growth, ensuring a safer walking environment.

How do Citygreen’s range of tree grates contribute to greener and safer cities?

Citygreen offers a range of innovative tree grates, including the Invisigrate™. This unique solution contributes to greener and safer cities by allowing pavement to continue seamlessly around tree trunks. The Invisigrate™ eliminates trip and slip hazards, enhances pavement aesthetics, and maintains essential irrigation and ventilation for healthy tree growth.

What features and benefits does the Invisigrate™ provide, especially regarding its design and functionality?

The Invisigrate™ is designed for both aesthetics and functionality. It seamlessly integrates with pavement, eliminating tripping hazards. It also incorporates irrigation and ventilation inlets to support tree health. Its removable inner section encourages tree growth while providing a safe and stylish pavement finish.

Core Benefits

  • Heavy duty recessed tree grille
  • Allows specifiers to continue their choice of paving over the tree pit area
  • Built-in tree irrigation/ventilation inlets
  • Removable inner section allows for tree growth
  • Robust galvanised construction
  • Available in different sizes
  • Available to comply with regular load specifications

Why is it important to strike a balance between protecting trees and ensuring pedestrian safety in urban environments?

Striking a balance between protecting trees and ensuring pedestrian safety is essential for maintaining the character and environmental feel of a city. Trees contribute to urban aesthetics and environmental benefits, but unmanaged tree growth can pose safety risks. Tree grates provide a harmonious solution by safeguarding both trees and pedestrians.

Installing tree grates is a straightforward and effective solution to enhance city safety and environmental sustainability. They offer a practical way to manage tree growth, ensuring pedestrian safety, and preserving the urban tree canopy. By adopting such solutions, cities can achieve their goals of being safer, greener, and more livable.

We can all agree that the protection of trees is vital for retaining a city’s character and environmental feel, but within cityscapes, trees need to be managed for pedestrian safety. Installing tree grates is one easy and effective way of achieving safer, greener, healthier cities.

See our range of tree guards here.

To learn more about our tree grates products, contact our friendly Citygreen Team.


Why You Need A Root Director For Your Trees!

Root Director - Valentine Garden Project
A tree planted in a Citygreen Root Director

At Citygreen, we believe that trees can help to alleviate the impacts of climate change, but first, we need to get them in the ground, so they thrive in our communities.

Planting trees in our bustling cities is no easy feat. The idea that you can plant a tree into a sidewalk or verge and hope that it will survive on its own during these erratic weather seasons we now face is an idea that has now been conclusively abandoned.

So what tree management options are available to ensure trees in urban settings have the best chance to grow into productive life long assets?

At Citygreen, we believe that planting trees using an adequately designed root management system is a small cost compared to the time and labour needed to replant trees and landscapes after premature death or removal due to infrastructure damage.

What is a Root Director?

Root Director is a circular root management device designed to prevent root swirl and divert root growth downward and outward away from surround urban infrastructure such as roads, and pavements. The root director sit over the trees rootball and encourages controlled root growth, which enhances the tree’s growth and overall longevity and stability.

root director
Root Director pictured above.

Why you should use a Root Director for your next Tree

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Rendering of a planted root director

This innovative solution provides numerous benefits that support optimal tree growth and overall tree well-being. Here’s why you need a root director for your trees:

Enhanced Root Guidance:

A root director directs the growth of tree roots downwards directly from the root ball, guiding them away from potential obstacles such as utilities, sidewalks, or structures. This ensures that roots can expand freely in a controlled manner, reducing the risk of damage to infrastructure and promoting healthy root development.

Improved Nutrient and Water Uptake:

By directing the roots towards nutrient-rich soil and water sources, a root director optimizes the absorption of essential nutrients and moisture by the tree. This results in improved tree health, increased resistance to stressors, and enhanced overall growth.

Prevents Root Circling and Girdling:

Without proper guidance, tree roots may start circling or girdling around the tree’s own trunk, leading to restricted water and nutrient flow and eventually compromising the tree’s stability and health. A root director prevents such issues by redirecting the roots outward, promoting a strong and well-structured root system..
Related: How to Manage Tree Roots

Preserves Landscape Design:

In urban and landscaped areas, maintaining the intended design and aesthetic appeal is crucial. A root director allows trees to grow in a more controlled manner, preserving the desired landscape design while ensuring the trees’ long-term health and structural integrity.

Long-Term Tree Care:

Incorporating a root director as part of your tree care strategy promotes proactive and sustainable tree management. It helps minimize the need for root pruning or disruptive maintenance practices in the future, saving time, effort, and costs associated with tree care.

Investing in a root director is a proactive measure that supports the vitality and longevity of your trees. By guiding root growth and providing essential benefits, it’s a valuable tool for maintaining healthy, robust trees that contribute to the beauty and sustainability of your landscape.

Deeper and healthier root growth means the trees can access more subsoil moisture during dry periods. During wet periods, the roots have a greater and deeper span to find available oxygen in waterlogged soils.

Also, if tree roots are not directed downwards, they will grow horizontally and cause issues to other infrastructures like pipes and sidewalks.

Related: How Tree Roots Behave.

For more information download the free digital brochure below.
RootDirector Brochure

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- Laura Wiesenekker, Project Engineer, Densford Civil -

“Citygreen is a very professional  business, and I found everything was great in terms of deliveries, product supply and information. It was all forthcoming and helped us to complete the project.”

- Keith Burns, Architect/Designer, Keith Burns Architect -

“Citygreen offered training and invaluable technical assistance during the works.”

- James Callan, Estimating Manager, Complex Co Pty Ltd -

“Our experience, in working with a Citygreen Design Studio was second to none. We found responses from the design studio to be very timely, and technically thorough. We went backwards and forwards a number of times, looking at different iterations of the design and, nothing was too much trouble to examine and explore different possibilities. I would highly recommend the Citygreen Design Studio to any future client considering using your services.”

- Sandra Smith, Principal Landscape Architect, City Of Monash -

“We are big on compliance on all projects, and the fact that their SmartCertify cloud platform covers all bases, and supports their 20 year warranties, is critical – especially that these pits are being installed under roadways and footpaths.”

- Johny Purkaystha, Civil Program Engineer, Central Coast Council -

"I reviewed all the previous projects that we have installed in the past couple years using your product and I can happily report back that we have 0% mortality in the soil cells, which is incredible!"

- Brendan Wilton, CEO, Trim Landscaping, Bedford, Canada -