Stratavault provides striking green touch to revamped urban street, The Causeway
The Causeway, located in Kingston ACT, was originally planned as one of Griffin’s main avenues, but was never fully implemented. A revamp of the Kingston Foreshore precinct prompted by new development and incorporating The Causeway aimed to lift the character and usability of the area, providing an enjoyable, leafy space for residents and visitors to enjoy.
Michael Roy, formerly Senior Landscape Architect at Tait Waddington, said, “The landscape was a rundown street with little to no landscape value. The verges were in disrepair and the wide road carriage ways dominated the space. With numerous existing in-ground services and the requirement for a high level of pedestrian amenity, space for trees had the potential to be compromised. Stratavault was used to ‘unlock’ space for tree root development and to link tree pits while allowing hard pavement and pedestrian circulation to be free from obstacles.”
Ten Eucalyptus mannifera, six Eucalyptus stelluata, four Pyrus caleryana, and four Ulmus parvifolia were planted using a variety of Stratavault matrix sizes.
Of the implementation, Michael Roy said, “Citygreen have excellent knowledge of the best product to utilize for the situation. They are fast to respond and provide quality service.”
Matt Elliott, ACT State Manager at Glascott Landscape and Civil, said, “Citygreen came down to show the guys how to install the product, and surprisingly it went in quick and easy with no real hold ups. It is a well-designed product and has been manufactured for an easy install.”
Michael Roy said, “With the development of the Kingston Foreshore, The Causeway is now a significant urban street. The project has set the standard for a high quality urban avenue and lifts the character of the surrounding precinct. The trees are thriving with seating nodes and pedestrian paths under canopies for the enjoyment of all.”