Stratacell supports shade and aesthetic appeal at new Kawana Health Precinct
The Kawana Health Precinct is a hub of health and wellbeing services for Sunshine Coast residents. Completed in 2013, the construction of its main street incorporated approximately sixty Golden Penda (Xanthostemon chrysanthus) trees, aiming to soften the surrounding streetscape and provide shade for visitors to the precinct.
John Donoghue, Associate Director at Urbis, said, “This project consisted of a full hardscape verge, requiring adequate uncompacted soil and irrigation to promote large tree growth. Citygreen’s Stratacell system, in combination with some additional strip drains along the kerb, enabled us to meet both objectives. The modular cell system provides enough space underground for soil volume and root growth, with drains funnelling rainwater underground to irrigate the cells.
“The contractors found the system straightforward to install, excavating the area required and installing it against the subgrade to act as an edge. Across multiple projects, the Citygreen team have always been great to work with. They’re very responsive and provide useful input to our designs. These days, we get them involved early, whereby they ensure our designs are viable or provide alternate suggestions if required.
“Four years down the track, the trees are performing and growing really well. We know Citygreen’s systems work and would definitely recommend them to others.”