Structural Soil & Soil Cells – ‘Hybrid’ Tree PitsThis photograph illustrates a very interesting development in latest tree pit design. While many designers globally are turning to the engineered soil cell system for high soil volumes, there is still a place for the rock/ soil system as a secondary growth zone.

The high soil content (over 90%) of the Citygreen® Stratacell™ will always provide the best growth opportunities for trees and vegetation, however the use of structural soils around the perimeter in place of compacter/ granular or at the base, provides adequate structural support for pavements and potentially some additional rooting volume for the trees.

This application has merit when working around services or irregular sized treepits, where a full sized soil cell may not fit. It is thought that small roots may penetrate the macropores between the compacted stones but formation and growth of larger structural roots will occur within the skeletal soil cells. Citygreen consultants are available to discuss this concept with you.