Posted by Scott Hackett on Thu, Mar 17, 2016 @ 12:12 AM
National Park Service to Protect Rim of the Valley?
Last week, the National Park Service proposed a movement that would encompass an additional 170,000 acres of land, doubling the size of the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. This proposal is in response to the completion of a study of the Rim of the Valley, and the San Fernando, Santa Clarita, Simi, Conejo and La Crescenta valleys comprise the Rim of the Valley Corridor. Begun in 2008, Rep. Adam Schiff successfully had a bill authorized to study “…the natural and historical resources around Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley…”
In a public statement in response to the verdict, Schiff said, “I applaud the park service for embracing a vision of an expanded recreation area to preserve this wonderful natural landscape. I wish, however, that the park service went even further in some of the areas as was clearly the hope of the many thousands of constituents who submitted public comment and advocated for an even bigger park, as provided for in Alternative D of the park service’s draft report.”
Martha J. Lee, Acting Regional Director of the National Park Service’s Pacific West Region stated, “Expanding Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area would provide one of the most densely populated areas in the United States better access to open space and recreational opportunities, as well as increase protection of ecological connections for wildlife.”
If the Park Service does move forward and collect land, the long term effects are positive, though plans would have to be set in place to allow for higher expenses and more employees to manage the land and wildlife. Much of this land would be accessible to the public, allowing for increased opportunities for recreation and education of locals.
The National Park’s news release on the proposal now submitted to Congress further states, “The expanded area would further contribute to the high biodiversity of the Santa Monica Mountains with functioning wildlife corridors. Exceptional public enjoyment opportunities in the expanded area include historic and archeological sites, geologic and paleontological resources, highly scenic landscapes, thousands of acres of open space and recreation areas, and miles of trails.”
Source. Daily News | NPS